In a previous post, we looked at herbivores that eat grass primarily, known as grazers or graminivores. We also looked at examples of these animals as well.

This post will look at more examples of animals that eat grass, even those that do not eat primarily grass. (You can also find examples at Small Animals that Eat Grass)
Animals that Eat Grass
Here are some of the more well-known animals that eat grass. Some of these animals are animals that only eat grass, called grazers, while others will eat grass as well as a variety of other plants and plant-based foods. (Learn more about herbivores at Herbivores – A Guide to Plant-Eating Animals)
(You can find other grass eating animals lists at What Animals Eat Grass in the Forest and Insects That Eat Grass)
1) Cows

Cows are animals that graze and eat a lot of grass. They do browse as well and eat plants. A full-grown cow can eat 25-30 pounds of grass per day.
In dairy settings, they don’t eat as high of a percentage of grass in their diet, since they are fed grains and in addition to hay and grass.
2) Horses

Horses are in the group of farm animals that eats grass. Horses love to graze and eat grass and hay. They are also able to eat fruits and vegetables if that is available to them.
3) Hippos
Hippos eat mostly grass that is found near water, and some water plants. Hippos are huge grass eaters and will eat up to 80 pounds or more of grass per day!
They will also travel up to 6 miles to get their daily needs. In addition to grass, they will also eat fruit as well.
4) Bison
Bison are grazers and eat mostly grass and grass-like plants called sedges. They also eat weeds and plants. They will eat for 9 to 11 hours a day!
5) Bulls
Bulls are similar to the cows mentioned above. Cattle eat grass as their main source of food.
6) Zebras
Zebras eat almost only grass in their diet, with 90% of their diet being grass. They also eat leaves and twigs as well as shrubs when the grass is not available.
7) Geese
Unlike most aquatic birds, instead of eating water plants and animals, they eat food from the land. You can usually see geese grazing around in the grass in groups.
8) Sheep
Sheep graze most of the day, eating grass and weeds.
9) Donkeys
Donkeys eat mostly grass in the wild. They will also eat shrubs and desert plants.
10) Grasshoppers
Grasshoppers are insects that eat grass, plant stems, and leaves.
11) Camels
Camels eat grass, oats, grains, shrubs, desert plants such as cactus, leaves and seeds. Due to their desert environment, the grass they eat is dried.
Their hardened mouths allow them to eat tough plants such as cacti.
12) Red Kangaroo
The Red Kangaroo grazes and eats mostly grass. They will also eat some leaves.
13) Wildebeests
Wildebeests are mostly grazers, eating mainly sweet grass.
14) Giant Pandas
Giant pandas feed 99% on bamboo, which is a type of grass of the Poaceae family. They are an animal that eats only grass, or almost mostly grass.
15) Rabbits
Rabbits are small animals that eat grass, vegetation, and things from plants. Grass and hay make up the majority of the rabbit’s diet.
In fact, if you have a pet rabbit, you can feed it grass from the yard. Just make sure the grass has not been treated with chemicals.
16) Elephants
Elephants are herbivores that eat massive amounts of plants every day to maintain their large body weight. Surprisingly, the elephants preferred food is grass when it’s available.
Their diet will shift depending on what is available in the habitat. Most of the time they will eat grass, leaves, shrubs, herbs, bark, flowers, trees, fruit and twigs.
17) Ducks
Ducks, like geese, will eat grass in their diet. But unlike geese which eat mostly grass as grazers, ducks eat more of a varied diet and are omnivorous. This includes also eating bugs, weeds, snakes, algae and frogs.
18) Moose
Moose are considered browsers rather than grazers, meaning they get most of their food from aquatic plants, twigs, leaves, bark, and shrubs. (The word “moose” actually means “eater of twigs”)
But moose will eat grass in their diet at times as well, especially in the summer.
19) Rhino
Rhinos eat a lot of different vegetation including grass, leaves, fruit, bark, shrubs, twigs and branches. Black rhinos are browsers, but still, they eat about 40% of their diet as grass. White rhinos however are grazers and eat mostly grass.
20) Llama
Llamas eat a wide variety of plants, including grass. Llamas are adaptive and can either graze on grass or browse. Llamas will also eat shrubs and vegetation, flowering plants, and trees.
21) Beavers
Beavers eat mainly wood, bark, leaves, and aquatic plants. However, beavers will eat soft plants on occasion including grass.
22) Goats
Goats eat a lot of different plants. Goats are browsers, and they prefer brush, weeds, and vines as their first choice of food. After that, they will eat grass.
But this can still be a significant amount of grass that they will eat daily.
23) Capybara
Capybaras are vegetarians. Grass makes up 80% of their vegetarian diet.
24) Green Sea Turtle
The Green Sea Turtle’s primary source of food is seagrass and algae.
25) Grassland & Desert Tortoise
Tortoises are herbivores and eat mainly plant-based foods. The grassland and desert varieties eat grass and herbs primarily in their diet.
26) Emu
Emus are omnivorous and will eat both plants and insects, but they eat mostly vegetation. This vegetation includes shrubs, grass and seeds.
27) Sloth
Sloths usually are in trees, where they find most of their food, but on occasion when they go to ground level, they will eat some grass. Two-toed sloths eat the leaves, insects and fruit found in trees for most of their diet. Three-toed sloths are almost completely herbivorous.
28) Mites
Mites are very tiny, but they are not actually insects. Instead, they are related to ticks and spiders. But mites will eat the underside of blades of grass, sometimes causing problems for lawns and their lawn owners.
29) Caterpillars
Although leaves are usually caterpillars’ main source of food, some species of caterpillars will feed on grass. Not only will caterpillars eat the grass blades, but also the stems and seeds.
Other Animals that Eat Grass

Lance has been passionate about the plant-based diet and we have been following a whole food plant-based diet for over 5 years. We focus on health, natural healing, weight management, animal rights, and the health of the planet and environment by focusing on whole plant-based foods and sustainable practices.
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