Popular Fruits that Start with the Letter D

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Fruits that start with D

In this post, we will explore fruits that start with letter D. You will not only find these listed, but also details for each fruit to learn more about.

(You may also be interested in Fruits and Vegetables that Start with D and Vegetables that Start with D as well)


Fruits that Start with D

There are a few fruits that start with the letter D, and these fruits come in a wide range of colors, flavors, and textures. Some of the most popular fruits that start with the letter D include the damson, which is a small, blue-black fruit that has a tart and tangy flavor; the date, which is a sweet and juicy fruit that is often used in desserts and snacks; and the durian, which is a large, spiky fruit that has a strong and distinctive odor.

If you wanted to include dried fruits that start with the letter D, this would include the dried apricot, which is a sweet and flavorful fruit that has been dried to preserve its nutrients and flavor; the dried fig, which is a sweet and chewy fruit that is often used in snacks and desserts; and the dried mango, which is a sweet and tangy fruit that is often used in smoothies and other healthy snacks.

In addition to these dried fruits, there are also many other dried fruits that start with the letter D, such as the dried pear, which is a sweet and juicy fruit that has been dried to preserve its nutrients and flavor; the dried prune, which is a plump and flavorful fruit that is often used in baking and cooking; and the dried persimmon, which is a sweet and tangy fruit that is often used in smoothies and other healthy snacks.

dates fruit
Dates are a popular fruit that begins with D

Overall, there is a wide variety of delicious and nutritious fruits that start with the letter D, and these fruits can be enjoyed in a variety of different ways, from fresh and juicy to dried and chewy. No matter which of these fruits you choose, you are sure to be delighted by their unique flavors and textures.

Here’s a list of fruits that begin with the letter D:


Damson fruit in a basket
Damson fruit

Damson is a small, tart fruit that is similar to a plum and is often used in cooking and preserving. It is native to Asia and Europe and has been cultivated for thousands of years. The fruit is typically purple or blue in color and has a unique, slightly bitter flavor.

Damson is often used in jams, jellies, and other preserves, and can also be cooked into pies, tarts, and other desserts. It is also sometimes used to make wine and liqueurs.

In addition to its culinary uses, damson has also been used for its medicinal properties, with the fruit and its leaves being used to treat a variety of conditions. Overall, damson is a versatile and flavorful fruit that has been enjoyed for centuries.

(Learn more at What is a Blue Damson Plum?)



Date is a sweet, chewy fruit that is native to the Middle East and North Africa and is often eaten on its own or used in desserts and other dishes.

(See the most popular date types)

Dragon Fruit

Dragon fruit is a brightly-colored fruit with a mild, sweet flavor that is native to Central and South America and is often eaten fresh or used in smoothies and other drinks.


Durian is a large, spiky fruit with a strong, pungent odor and a rich, creamy texture that is native to Southeast Asia and is often considered a delicacy.

List of Fruits that Start with D

  1. Damson
  2. Date
  3. Durian
  4. Dried apricot
  5. Dried fig
  6. Dried mango
  7. Dried pear
  8. Dried prune
  9. Dried persimmon
  10. Dried cranberry

Lists of Other Vegetables & Fruits

Lists of Fruits A-Z

Fruits and Vegetables A-Z Lists

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